Famous last words on this topic, or so I should hope. Tonight was the final exam for our Calculus class.

I went into exam 2 feeling 50-50 at best, but this time around I actually spent some quality time studying for the final. There were a total of 27 questions, and I’d say that the exam was about half old stuff from exam 1, while the other half was a combination of stuff from exam 2, as well as some new stuff we managed to squeak in. Of those 27 questions, there were only 3 that I wasn’t sure of; the rest I felt good about.

So, assuming that I actually did as good as I felt I did, and if I can manage to get an 80% on this thing (that’s just 22 questions out of 27), then I can pass the course w/ a B, otherwise I’d have to settle for a C (and I don’t want a C). While it started back in early June, this class has really flown by. I can still remember the first day of class: I was ~5min. late, there were a crap-load of people present (~50 from what I remember, though less later on), the lighting was awful (and remained so for all subsequent classes), and, I swear, the professor looked like a student teacher (hell, I still think he does).

But whatever. May there be an end, I say. This was by no means the worst time that I’ve ever had w/ a math class (or any other class for that matter), but I’m just glad that it’s finally over and done w/. From here on I still need to take 2 more math courses, but from what I understand they’re supposed to be much easier than Calculus (and at this point, I can believe it).

– Game –

Also, I think I’m going to at least try to get my broken Japanese Xbox 360 fixed. I called Microsoft’s customer service twice but all they did was give me a phone number for their Japanese support line, and wouldn’t ya know it, the phone number doesn’t connect! That’s the reason why I had to call them twice: the first time I got the bad number, and the second time was to confirm that I had written down the bad number correctly (I thought that maybe I had dialed the wrong number previously). Well, I checked online and it turns out that there’s a place in NY that fixes RROD Xbox 360s, and so I shot them off an email asking if there’d be any problems fixing mine.

I don’t think there should be a problem here, but we’ll wait and see. I have to admit: lately, I’ve been itching for some iM@S goodness. I’m also thinking about buying another copy of Tenchu Z… and to think, Tenchu: Stealth Assassins for the Wii is only $20 now. Too bad I don’t want to shell out $250 for a (imho) shitty Wii. =(