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Good god, why is it that nowadays, real fighting games require that you have a dictionary-like knowledge of how to play them? By real fighting games, I mean fighting games that require some degree of skill. And by dictionary knowledge, I mean memorizing frame advantages and… uh… all that other crazy crap that a hardcore player is expected to know.

I am not a hardcore player. I don’t want to become a hardcore player. But I’d still like to be able to play these deep games and get some enjoyment out of them.

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Was 2 years in the making (I quit near the end in my original game), but I’ve finally beaten Final Fantasy 13. Man, I can’t even remember the last time I beat an RPG… back when I was in college, I guess. Anyway, I was very surprised by the last boss fight: if you try to play safely, then you’ll have a hard time. However, if you just throw all caution to the wind and start wailing on it, the fight is actually pretty easy.

So cheers! And I guess bring on Final Fantasy 13-2?

Finally bought my first game in around four months, and just when I thought my gaming hobby was unofficially dead. It’s a very fun game, which is something I haven’t been able to say in a while now. Man, I can still remember back years ago when I was in elementary school and we rented the Batman game based on the first movie. I remember it being hard as hell, but man, was it cool. Comparing that to this one, it’s amazing how far videogames have come. This is easily the best comic book-based game ever (well, in my opinion at least), and gets my vote for game of the year.

Also, I really like the main theme, so I’ve included it below.

I haven’t been interested in the DLC offerings for The Idolm@ster 2 since June, but it looks like the latest round finally has something that’s caught my eye. Again, neither the song nor the costume are new (they’re lifted from previous games, no surprise), but being able to see Miki, Hibiki, and Takane share the same stage together while singing Overm@ster is pretty sweet.

It’s been a busy week for gaming: Gears of War 3 on the Xbox 360, Persona 2 on the PSP, and Resident Evil 4 on Xbox Live and Playstation Network. And I can’t decide if I should pick up any of them.

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I bought The Idolm@ster 2 this past Spring, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. As such, I’ve been following the DLC release schedule pretty closely, and while it started off well enough, it’s gone steadily down hill. It’s bad enough that the new DLC has been pretty ho-hum, but now they’ve started recycling the same songs and costumes from past games as well. The worst part? They’re still charging near full-price for it! Makes me really wonder if it’s b/c they’re working on the PS3 version atm…

The latest rehash (at least Hibiki looks good):

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Geez, you’d think that w/ my JPN Xbox 360 fixed that I’d be thrilled, but honestly, I’m not.

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Holy shit and knock on wood, but I just got my broken Japanese Xbox 360 to work! I watched another vid on Youtube and it said to reattach the x-clamps (that I took off and left off), turn it on, and if it didn’t work, unplug the fan, power it up and let it overheat, then turn it off for ~20min. I did it, and the thing works now! Well, I shouldn’t be too happy: this is just a temporary fix until I can drum up the courage (and funds) to buy a new one. Still, I’m happy. Quite happy. 🙂

A bit melodramatic perhaps, but that about sums it up tonight.

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Chinese be given me some troubles.

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Who’s on the horn?

May 2024
