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Just got the Xbox 360 version of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, and while people have been saying its a big improvement over the original release, I still think the game has a lot of jarring problems. Mind you, I haven’t played a Ninja Gaiden game since the original release on the first Xbox, but this one is just so horribly flawed in comparison. My biggest complaint has to do w/ the boss fights, b/c they’re cheap as hell (QTE’s need to stop – NOW!), but the story itself is damn stupid – Ryu Hayabusa is a ninja, so why the hell is he babysitting a little kid?

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After playing through the newest Tomb Raider, I finally picked up Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light on sale via Xbox Live. While playing through the game I felt a strong wave of nostalgia, b/c it reminds me a lot of early PSX games. Besides that, the graphics are great and the game play is fun (love the flame thrower), but it’s not w/o it’s flaws: sometimes the controls felt wonky (either too tight or too sensitive), and the isometric view could be confusing at times. Needless to say, I died a bunch of times b/c I suck at platformers. =P

Oh, and the real bonus? Costumes! Lara’s default tank top already looks great, but they give you a handful of her past costumes as well (Underworld, Legends, etc.).

Here I was trying to kick the old videogame habit, and they go and announce a bunch of new games that I’m interested in! So far my picks for the year are:

  1. Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City
  2. Resident Evil: Revelations
  3. Resident Evil 6
  4. Lolipop Chainsaw
  5. Onechanbara Z: Kagura
  6. Persona: The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena
  7. One-Piece: Pirate Warriors
  8. Code of Princess

And games I might consider once they hit the bargin bin:

  1. Soul Calibur 6
  2. Final Fantasy X-2

Now to get a PS3 and 3DS…

Honestly, the only thing that’s more shocking than the sudden announcement of Resident Evil 6 is how long it’s taken to announce it! Anyway, they’ve already released a piece of promo art and a (long) trailer, and the game looks to continue the gameplay style seen in RE4 and RE5. It’s been announced that Leon and Chris will be playable w/ their own scenarios, and Ada will be playable as well (as for how long, who knows). Likewise, there’s a third, new playable character who may also get their own scenario.

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Been away from posting at least, but still been around. It’s a new year, 2012, and here’s what I’ve been up to lately.

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So much for my grand plans of switching to Mint (again). I actually went ahead and installed Linux Mint 12, and it almost suited my needs. The only problem? The menu. I remember liking the classic Gnome 2.2 menu a lot more than the one in Unity, however after switching back I soon discovered that it’s hard to find where the programs you install show up. Will they be in the system tools menu, the applications menu, or the others menu? W/ Unity and Gnome Shell, you just hit the window key and type in what program you want, which is actually more intuitive than having to remember where it is.

So now I’ve gone ahead and switched back to Unity, and though I’m feeling a bit defeated, there is a plus side: I got the notifications working properly again w/ a dual monitor set-up! Here’s how:

  1. Install dconf-editor:
    sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
  2. Hit Alt+F2 and type “dconf-editor,” and then hit enter
  3. Navigate to Apps -> notify-osd
  4. Double-click on the value for multihead-mode, and then change it to “focus-follow”

And that’s it! Now the notifications will appear on the same monitor as your mouse, just like they should.

Comics look gorgeous on the Galaxy Tabs!

Comics look gorgeous on the Galaxy Tabs!

I’ve fallen behind on updating recently, so why not post an update?

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This is rediculous – trying to re-enable root access on my galaxy tab 7 but it’s not working. Man, I really hate how they lock these things down so much. Is it a personal computer or not?!

After upgrading from Ubuntu 11.04 to Ubuntu 11.10, I’ve learned quite a number of useful lessons. For starters, never upgrade your computer on a weekday. Second, never assume that the upgrade will be trivial. Third, if you decide to wait before jumping in blindly, then wait! Yeah, my experience w/ the latest and greatest in Linux distros has been less than stellar.

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I just had one of these moments:

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Who’s on the horn?

May 2024
