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Firefox 4 beta 9 (FF4b9) is now available, and having spent a bit of time w/ beta 8, I’d have to say that it still seems to be missing some features I’m hoping to see. Likewise, it’s still missing some features which I’m expecting to see.
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All I wanted to do was set up email notifications in the system tray, but I couldn’t get any of the programs I tried (Thunderbird, Evolution, Mail Notfication) to work w/ Yahoo. I tried changing my preferred region to one that provides free POP service, but still no luck.

Meh, screw it. I’ll stuck to Firefox and it’s add-ons. 😐

Just a small wishlist of Firefox 4 features:

  • Smooth tab animation, like in Chrome and Internet Explorer 9.
  • Smaller memory footprint. Maybe it’s due to the plugins and add-ons I have installed, but when running Windows, the memory footprint hovers between 300k and 400k.
  • Full backwards compatibility w/ all the add-ons I use (Firebug chief among them), though this might be more up to the individual developers.

And please, let there not be a “Mozilla App Store.” I know Google felt the need to copy from Apple (as does everyone else these days), but there’s no need for yet another company making a marketing gimmick out of a common practice. Oh, and Google’s idea of an app store for their Chrome browser? Stupid. Pointless. In my opinion. Especially when the “apps” are just repackaged versions of their existing sites, if that (looking at you NPR).

PS. A fox was running around our front yard and making odd screeching noises while I wrote this. @_@

The language practice program I’ve been working on for the past two months is finally up and running. Right now I only have it to where you can practice writing Chinese characters, but adding the reading part for vocabulary shouldn’t be too hard at all. I tested the former out today for the first time, and it works like a charm. More to come.

Ugh. A while back I said I was working on a program to help myself w/ studying Chinese (or any other language for that matter). However, it has proven to be a lot more challenging than I thought it would be.

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Who’s on the horn?

May 2024
